Testing Deepin 20 graphical interface manager on Fedora 32

There have been packages of a drop-down version of the window manager, Deepin Desktop 20 (known for its Debian-based Deepin Linux distribution). To check how the builder version looks and works on Fedora Linux 32 just use the terminal and the following commands:

Adding reporsitory of Deepin testing Desktop for Fedory:
# sudo dnf copr enable cheeselee/deepin-20-testing

Anad next we install packages:
# sudo dnf install deepin-api deepin-album deepin-calculator deepin-calendar deepin-control-center deepin-daemon deepin-desktop-base deepin-desktop-schemas deepin-dock deepin-draw deepin-editor deepin-file-manager deepin-icon-theme deepin-image-viewer deepin-kwin deepin-launcher deepin-menu deepin-network-utils deepin-picker deepin-polkit-agent deepin-qt-dbus-factory deepin-qt5integration deepin-qt5platform-plugins deepin-reader deepin-screensaver

Deepin Desktop Fedora 32Re-login but select Deepin on the login screen (cog down on the right). That's all.

BBClone statistics inside WordPress

Today's entry concerns the launch of statistics of website visits based on the WordPress system, using the BBClone – a script entitled as – A PHP based Web Counter on Steroids!

An example of how the BBClone works can be seen here: https://www.bbclone.de/demo/.

There's not much to describe, so I'll get to the point.
I assume you already have a working WordPress engine site.

1 – We are downloading a development version of the BBClone (the last stable release is from 2015, and does not support PHP version 7, so we need a version with later changes). Link to file: http://download.bbclone.org/bbclone-nightly-build.zip.
2 – The unpacked files are copied via FTP to a server. We can rename the bbclone directory to another.
3 – Edit the config.php file from the /conf/ directory, where you set the parameters as required.
4 – We change the WordPress file, template-loader.php, which is located in the /wp-includes/ directory. Simply add this piece of code under the first line containing "<?php":

define("_BBC_PAGE_NAME", get_bloginfo("name") . wp_title("/", false));
define("_BBCLONE_DIR", "/home/user/public_html/bbclone/");
define("COUNTER", _BBCLONE_DIR."mark_page.php");
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);

Instead of /home/user/public_html/bbbclone/ (bold above) you should enter your own full bbclone directory location on the server. Upload the modified file, replacing the original and it's ready.

The only thing you need to remember is to correct this file after updating WordPress.

Firmware update for SSD – HPE 5200 ECO model VK003840GWSXL

Recently, I have been able to purchase an SSD from Micron, the 5200 ECO with a 3840GB capacity. The purchased item is branded by HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, model VK003840GWSXL). In order to update the device's firmware, I encountered problems, the solution of which I would like to share. You are welcome.

ssd-hpe-micron-5200-eco-4tb Continue reading "Firmware update for SSD – HPE 5200 ECO model VK003840GWSXL"