LAMP is a Linux Apache MySQL PHP, the basic software package needed to run a website.

The following script installs and pre-configures the LAMP group software, so we can run the website on our server. The script has been prepared to work on a clean installation of EL 8 (RockyLinux, CentOS, RHEL).

Link to the script: centos-lamp.sh

To download and run the script, execute the following command in the terminal window:

# dnf -y install wget ; wget marcinwilk.eu/centos-lamp.sh ; chmod +x centos-lamp.sh ; ./centos-lamp.sh

The script will install: Apache or nginx, PHP 7.4.10 (as a standard version of the system or a stand-alone set using REMI's repo), and MariaDB (with repo MariaDB or repo CentOS). You can configure what to install by editing the script.

History of changes:
v 1.2 – 09.06.2021
Use MariaDB from OS repo as default install source.
Fixed some PowerTools installer (name has changed in repos).
Initial Let's Encrypt certbot (SSL) integration.
Tested on RockyLinux 8!
Tested on RHEL 8!
v 1.1 – 17.09.2020
Show summary.
Adminer is used as default database web administration panel.
Add phpdet.php file to check if PHP is working.
Add vsftpd as FTP server.
v 1.0 – 14.09.2020
First version, tested on CentOS 8.