Corel error on startup – solution

Some time ago I came up with an idea to move some folders on a Windows computer to another (bigger) drive. From that moment Corel (CorelDraw or Corel PHOTO-PAINT) welcomed me with a message:

Please reconnect the device that has the file is location, or choose a new folder. In the meantime, content will be saved in the Corel default location. You can move the content after the file location is restored.

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Testing Deepin 20 graphical interface manager on Fedora 32

There have been packages of a drop-down version of the window manager, Deepin Desktop 20 (known for its Debian-based Deepin Linux distribution). To check how the builder version looks and works on Fedora Linux 32 just use the terminal and the following commands:

Adding reporsitory of Deepin testing Desktop for Fedory:
# sudo dnf copr enable cheeselee/deepin-20-testing

Anad next we install packages:
# sudo dnf install deepin-api deepin-album deepin-calculator deepin-calendar deepin-control-center deepin-daemon deepin-desktop-base deepin-desktop-schemas deepin-dock deepin-draw deepin-editor deepin-file-manager deepin-icon-theme deepin-image-viewer deepin-kwin deepin-launcher deepin-menu deepin-network-utils deepin-picker deepin-polkit-agent deepin-qt-dbus-factory deepin-qt5integration deepin-qt5platform-plugins deepin-reader deepin-screensaver

Deepin Desktop Fedora 32Re-login but select Deepin on the login screen (cog down on the right). That's all.